📖Introduction to Ethervaults

Official Whitepaper for The Ethervaults

These docs are in active development.

Staking just got easier.

EtherVaults is an Ethereum 2.0 and BNB staking pool service that allows anyone to profit from staking. EtherVaults uses a secure and stable institutional grade infrastructure, combined with a unique strategy to provide the highest possible staking returns for its users. Users can opt out of staking at any time. There are no minimum ETH or BNB requirements for staking on EtherVaults, and the platform fees are the lowest in the industry.

We welcome you to the latest release of the EtherVaults protocol and hope you make the most of our product to achieve your staking goals. This documentation will help you along the way.


An ETH or BNB staking pool is a non-custodial staking solution that pools your staking ETH and BNB with other participants. Each deposit in the pool immediately starts working, and already on the second day, users begin to receive rewards to their deposit wallets automatically on a daily basis. Rewards are distributed from 00:00 to 04:00 UTC.


Solo staking is open to new deposits only on EtherVaults, and new users are encouraged to stake using Solo Staking. EtherVaults offers users the ability to deposit batches of 32 ETH without running a validator using the EtherVaults infrastructure. Even though Solo is closed to new deposits on many services, EtherVaults can still offer this product. Users of this product will benefit from all infrastructure upgrades as well as increased APY, and will retain full access to their balances. That is, the withdrawal of the main deposit is always available.

Last updated